Jul 05, 2024  
Undergraduate Record 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Record 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED RECORD]

McIntire School of Commerce: Concentrations, Minors, and Tracks

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Note: McIntire students must declare at least one concentration and maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all Commerce and concentration courses to complete the B.S. in Commerce degree.  Only one Global Commerce Immersion (GCI) course may be counted toward a concentration.  Courses may not double-count to satisfy more than one concentration except for COMM 3110 counting in Accounting and Finance Concentrations.

Accounting Concentration

The accounting program is designed to help students understand the role and responsibilities of accounting professionals. Graduates work as business consultants, financial managers, independent auditors, and tax advisers. McIntire’s accounting program is widely recognized as one of the country’s best, and graduates are highly sought. The program builds on the broad liberal arts background acquired during a student’s first two years at the University. It is designed to give the student both a sound general business foundation and the analytical and conceptual skills essential to an understanding of current accounting practices.

Accountants supply quantitative information to various users. Primarily financial in nature, this information is essential to decision making and control. As corporate financial managers, they also participate in financial decisions that allocate scarce resources within and among private and public organizations to achieve both economic and social goals. Equally important, accounting provides information to investors, creditors, government, and society on management’s stewardship and the effective use of an organization’s resources. Independent certified public accountants provide a wide variety of audit, tax, and consulting services to clients.

The basic requirements for the accounting concentration are COMM 3110 and 3120 during the third year and two courses from the list below. Students seeking professional certification (e.g., certified public accountant, certified management accountant, or certified internal auditor) should consider taking all accounting courses offered at McIntire.

University of Virginia students who have been admitted to the McIntire School of Commerce may apply for, and be accepted to, the McIntire M.S. in Accounting degree program after completing two semesters of study as a Commerce School student. Because this is a competitive admissions process, acceptance to the program is not guaranteed but ultimately hinges on the candidate’s record of accomplishments.

Requirements for admission to the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination (CPA Exam) vary by state. Students planning to sit for the CPA Exam should determine the requirements for admission to the examination by contacting their State Board of Accountancy.

Information on requirements for the Certified Management Accountant certification can be found at: https://www.imanet.org/


Third Year - Required



Fourth Year

Select an additional 6 credits from the following list:

  • COMM 5110 - Financial Statement Analysis Credits: 3
  • COMM 5130 - Advanced Financial Accounting Credits: 3
  • COMM 5140 - Accounting for Decision Making and Control Credits: 3
  • COMM 5160 - Government & Non-Profit Accounting Credits: 1.5
  • COMM 5460 - Taxes and Business Strategy Credits: 3
  • COMM 5519 - GCI: Topics in Accounting - (Courses are subject to change)
  • COMM 5559 - Environmental, Social, & Governance Accounting Credits: 1.5

Finance Concentration

The program in finance starts with an integrative perspective of the role of the global financial manager within the corporation, and it addresses the manner in which finance interacts with the other business disciplines in performing core functions of financial planning and control, analyzing investment alternatives, and raising funds. Finance concentrators learn to value projects and firms in a variety of contexts including, for example, private equity and distressed debt. The program also offers students an opportunity to learn about asset management and sales and trading including the construction of quantitative equity strategies and the construction and evaluation of endowment and private wealth portfolios. The program is designed to prepare students for a diverse set of possible career paths in finance. Recent McIntire graduates with a finance concentration have gone on to work, for example, for investment banks, private equity firms, hedge funds, asset management firms, and endowment funds. International financial topics are incorporated throughout the finance concentration. Students concentrating in finance are required to complete COMM 3110, 3720, 3721, 4710 and at least one specialized advanced course (COMM 4720, 4721, 4559, 4730, 4731, 4732).

Third Year - Required

Fourth Year - Required


Select one capstone course from the following list: Enrollment in multiple capstones is possible, but discouraged, and unfortunately a students’ first choice is not guaranteed. Priority in capstone enrollment will be given to students who have not fulfilled the capstone requirement, and a student who is enrolled in a second capstone may be required to leave that course to make room for a student who will needs the capstone requirement.


Information Technology Concentration

IT is used to collect and analyze unprecedented amounts of data at incredible speed, and it is often the primary driver of most exciting product, process, and business model innovations in the modern era. Organizations need leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage this amazing resource and to use it to produce business value. McIntire’s Information Technology concentration prepares students to become business analysts and consultants ready to apply their skills in project and product management, data analytics, and leading edge technologies to solve business problems in accounting, finance, marketing, management, entrepreneurship, and international business. Course material in the IT concentration focuses on project and product management, business analytics, database design and management, consulting, fintech, digital innovation, big data and cybersecurity.  IT concentrators are also offered an opportunity for an immersive technology-focused experience in locations such as Silicon Valley, Argentina, and Israel. To complete the IT concentration students must take COMM 3200 and COMM 3220 (in either the third or fourth year) plus three credits of approved IT courses from the courses listed below:

Third Year - Required

Fourth Year

Select an additional 3 credits from the following list:

* May be taken in Fourth Year

Management Concentration

The Management Concentration prepares students to be successful in the organizations they join and lead by providing courses which integrate the OB, strategy, & communication expertise of our faculty. In the required undergraduate curriculum, students learn foundational content that builds competencies in four areas that are critical to short- and long-term career success: 1) strategy formulation & analysis, 2) leading teams and organizations, 3) decision-making & negotiation, and 4) managerial communication.

The Management Concentration focuses on strategic leadership or how leaders manage and improve organizations over time. This concentration has particular relevance to those students who plan to work in advisory businesses (e.g., consulting, investment banking), launch their own organizations, or work in other contexts in which they will interface with senior leaders early in their careers. The cornerstone of this 9-credit concentration is the required Strategic Leadership of Organizations course, which is complemented with two courses selected from a varied set of high-quality electives.

Fourth Year - Required

Select up to two courses from this list (3-6 credits): 

Select up to one course from this list (3 credits):

* Recommended third year; may be taken fourth year

Marketing Concentration

The discipline of marketing is diverse in nature. In articulating and developing its content, it draws from the quantitative and social sciences. As such, the areas of accounting, economics, finance, law, mathematics, anthropology, psychology, sociology, and other related disciplines are used as resources for the conceptual, theoretical, and empirical underpinnings of the marketing discipline.

What product or service, and how much of it, should a company provide for its consumers? How should the product be distributed? How should the company inform consumers of the product’s existence and merits? What price should be placed on the product or service? How should the firm measure the success of its offerings in the marketplace? What marketing and customer analytics should be gathered and analyzed? Where and how much should marketers invest in digital and social media? These and other decision areas compromise the marketing function.

Every organization, profit or non-profit, must answer these questions in one form or another. It is the purpose of the marketing program to provide the student with the necessary theories and tools for answering these questions. The program’s objective is to make the student aware of the role of marketing in society and in the firm, where it interrelates with almost all organizational functions and influences virtually all plans and decisions.

Case analysis, discussion groups, experiential exercises, research reports, seminars, field projects, lectures, outside speakers, and the Advertising and Marketing Association (AMA), together with national marketing/advertising competitions (AAF, the American Advertising Federation competition), are all used to help students understand marketing. The marketing program is intended to meet the basic educational needs of students planning graduate study or entering profit or non-profit organizations in such areas as client relations, sales, advertising and promotion, brand management, distribution, international marketing, marketing research, and customer/marketing analytics, marketing consulting, logistics, purchasing, product management, retailing, and positions in the service industries.

Required Courses

Fourth Year

Select an additional 6 credits from the following list:


Entrepreneurship Minor

The Purpose

The purpose of the Entrepreneurship Minor is to prepare students to play crucial roles in the new venture community (as founders, investors, policy makers, technologists, executives, etc.), thereby impacting positively the world in which we live and creating value of all kinds. The new venture community is defined broadly, including not only startup companies, but also new ventures operating within or launched by established firms. The program provides an education in and experience with the tools, techniques, and transformations involved in new venture development, (e.g., ideation and innovation, team building, product-market fit, financial and social return, and legal dynamics).  While administratively hosted within the McIntire School of Commerce, the Entrepreneurship Minor connects entrepreneurship efforts among multiple schools at the University of Virginia through a coordinated and collective curriculum. Within the minor, students select one of three concentrations: Technology Entrepreneurship, supported by the School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Social Entrepreneurship, supported by the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, or Innovation in Business, supported by coursework at the McIntire School of Commerce. Additional courses are offered by the School of Architecture, the College of Arts & Sciences, and the Curry School of Education, among others.


The completion of either the Leadership or Entrepreneurship Minor requires a minimum of 15 credits unique to that minor, i.e., not “double counted” for another major or minor in any school or any prerequisites for those degrees.

Required Courses

Students must take one core course, plus one capstone course from within the same concentration.


Complete two courses from the following list:

Leadership Minor

The Purpose

The purpose of the Leadership minor is to transform how students think about leadership and to develop the skills they need to lead people and organizations in today’s complex global environment. With this minor, students will be able to supplement the intellectual depth in their chosen fields of study and enhance their contributions within these fields by leveraging their leadership knowledge, skills, and abilities in their work.


The Leadership minor begins with an application process open to students who are enrolled in COMM 2600-Leadership Across the Disciplines (3 credit hours) during the spring of second year. The application process is open to all undergraduate students enrolled in COMM 2600 whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 15 credit hours. For those admitted to the program, COMM 2600 constitutes the first three credit hours of the program. During this course, late in the spring semester, the application process begins and all students in the course are eligible to apply for the Leadership Minor Program.

The Selection Criteria

The application process becomes available in late spring, and student will receive decisions by mid-June. Students enrolled in COMM 2600 will be given specific information on how to apply for the Leadership Minor in April.

This application requires students to consider and articulate their motivation for completing the Leadership Minor, with particular emphasis on how the program will beneficially complement their core area of study and career goals. Admission is NOT limited to students with the most leadership experience. Students who have a demonstrated strong interest and potential for personal development and leadership are desired. Specifically the selection committee will consider academic potential, commitment to individual development, and diversity of experience.


The completion of any McIntire minor requires a minimum of 15 credits unique to that minor, i.e., not “double counted” for another major or minor in any school or any prerequisites for those degrees.

Required Courses

Persuasion & Influence Elective (3 credits)

Students must complete 3 credits from the list of pre-approved Commerce Communication Courses offered at the University. Students must meet any prerequisite requirements for elective courses. Preapproved courses include:


Open Elective (3 credits)

Students must also complete 3 credit hours from the list of pre-approved leadership electives:


Real Estate Minor

The Purpose

The Real Estate Minor will draw on courses from multiple academic units to prepare students to become leaders, value creators, and reflective practitioners in the real estate market. Real estate is broadly defined here. It includes all disciplines and areas of study that contribute to the creation, operation, management, and governance of the built environment as well as all property markets and firms. The core of the minor provides an education in and experience with the data and analytical tools and techniques involved in real estate analysis, real estate investment and land-use law. Students may selective electives that support their curiosity, provide practice with decision-making and help to build skills.

While administratively hosted with the McIntire School of Commerce, the Real Estate Minor connects real estate courses among multiple schools at the University of Virginia through a coordinated and collective curriculum (and leadership structure). Within the minor, students begin with foundational courses supported by McIntire School of Commerce and the School of Architecture. Then, students have the ability to choose electives from course offerings in the School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, the McIntire School of Commerce, the School of Architecture, and the College of Arts & Sciences among others.


Current undergraduate students from any school who are in good academic standing and have completed or are currently enrolled in COMM 2700, Foundations of Real Estate Finance will be eligible to apply for admission. Students will be required to apply via an online application portal or curriculum vitae, short essays, an official transcript, and a minor plan of study. The application portal will be open during January and February of each year. All admission decisions will be communicated to students by mid-April so as to facilitate course enrollment.


The completion of any McIntire minor requires a minimum of 15 credits unique to that minor, i.e. not “double counted” for another major or minor in any school or any prerequisites for those degrees.

Required Courses

(Recommended) Electives*

*Other relevant real estate courses may be eligible as electives if approved by the minor director.


McIntire students can choose up to two of six tracks, an area of specialty that spans across several disciplines.  These optional tracks allow students the opportunity to further specialize in an area that augments the School’s core and concentration coursework.

Business Analytics Track


Business Analytics Track is designed to provide students with broad, interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that help managers leverage analytics to improve performance and decision-making. Students will learn practical research skills necessary to design, create, and analyze data sets as well as to report meaningful insights to diverse audiences. Students will appreciate the challenges and opportunities facing a wide array of commercial enterprises that rely on analytics to make key strategic decisions.


The Business Analytics Track is open to all Commerce students whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 12 credit hours.


Required Courses (9 credits)

Electives (3 credits)

Entrepreneurship Track


The purpose of the Entrepreneurship Track, like that of the Entrepreneurship Minor, is to prepare students to play innovative roles whether in the new venture community as founders, investors, executives or policy makers, or in existing organizations through entrepreneurship whether for profit, impact or both. Our goal is that via these new ventures graduates will have a positive impact upon the world in which we live, thereby creating value of all kinds. Through case discussions, workshops, guest speakers, and team projects, the Track’s coursework provides an education in and experience with the tools, techniques, and transformations involved in new venture development (e.g., ideation and innovation, team building, product-market fit, venture viability and diligence, financial and social return, managing for growth and impact). The Entrepreneurship Track provides a select number of Commerce students with the unique opportunity to: explore the professional processes, concepts communities and tools that facilitate new-venture success; examine the sources of financing for a new venture; evaluate a start-up’s or innovation project’s ability to not only be financially sustainable, but also generate compelling financial and/or social returns; and apply these principles through practical application via new ventures and teams.  The coursework includes lectures, case discussions, short-form pitches and long-form presentations, viability assessments, rapid prototyping exercises, guest speakers, and a venture acceleration laboratory.


The Entrepreneurship Track is open to Commerce students whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 12 credit hours. 

Required Courses (6 credits)

Elective Courses

6 credits required from the courses listed below:

Global Commerce Track (total 12 credits)


The Global Commerce track, a course of study spanning multiple concentration areas, is designed to provide students with a broad and interdisciplinary understanding of global business environments, an in-depth regional perspective, and an appreciation of the challenges and opportunities facing a wide array of commercial enterprises operating within these interrelated environments. 


The Global Commerce track is open to all Commerce students whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 12 credit hours.  Note that some courses taken to satisfy requirements of the Global Commerce track may also satisfy other concentration requirements.

Required Course

Area Elective

Select 1.5 - 3 credits from the courses listed below:


Select 6 - 7.5 credits from the courses listed below:

*May only use as Area Elective or Elective. Can not be used to satisfy both requirements.

Global Commerce Scholars

Application required spring of third year

The Global Commerce Scholars (GCS) program provides selected McIntire students with the opportunity to carry out independent research under the guidance of one or more faculty advisors. While the proposed research topic need not have a direct “international” focus, students with more general interests are encouraged to consider the global implications of their research topic.

Interested students are encouraged to schedule a meeting with program director Professor Bill Wilhelm (bill.wilhelm@virginia.edu) as early as possible in their third year to discuss their research interests. Students will also register for COMM 4839 (1 credit) for the spring semester; however, enrollment in the course does not guarantee admission to the program. Admission depends on having a sufficiently well-developed research idea and a commitment from an advisor before the spring semester drop/add deadline. Professor Wilhelm will work with students to develop their idea and connect them with a potential advisor. Students may not seek an advisor directly.

Students who are admitted to the program will work closely with their thesis advisor during the spring semester of their third year to further develop their research idea. GCS students who make satisfactory progress will then continue with COMM 4840 (2 credits) for the fall semester of their fourth year, when they will produce a literature review and a detailed research proposal. Students whose proposals are approved by the GCS faculty advisors will complete their research and write their thesis while registered for COMM 4841 (2 credits) during the spring of the fourth year.

The program also has a research methods requirement that must be satisfied by the end of the fall semester of the fourth year. Generally, Marketing and Management concentrators will satisfy the research methods requirement with COMM 3330 (Marketing Research & Analytic Techniques), while Accounting and Finance concentrators will do so with ECON 3720 (Econometrics). Students may petition Professor Wilhelm for approval of an alternative methods course, but the requirement cannot be waived.

GCS students learn about professional research methods and practice as well as career opportunities in research. The experience is valuable to students considering graduate studies leading to research careers in business, consulting, government, or academia. Students who successfully complete this research program are designated as “Scholars in Global Commerce” and recognized at graduation.

Quantitative Finance Track

Application required spring of third year


The Quantitative Finance Track is designed to develop students’ analytical skills and prepare them for quantitatively focused careers in finance, such as asset/investment management, sales/trading, risk management/compliance, and Fin Tech. Utilizes tools from a variety of areas such as economics, operations research, statistics, computer science, and data science.


The Quantitative Finance Track is available by application to all Commerce students whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 12 credit hours.

Required Courses

Select two of the following three quantitative-based courses:


Select one Quantitative Elective from COMM, MATH, STAT, ECON, or CS

Note that admission to the track does not guarantee admission to each of the classes above. Instead, the list of electives is meant to provide a broad set of quantitative courses consistent with the objectives of the track. Typically courses outside of the Commerce School are appropriate for students double majoring in that particular department. Also, other quantitative courses may satisfy the track elective requirement. Please see the Quantitative Finance Track Coordinator about this.

Any two of the three classes COMM 4230, COMM 4559, COMM 4730, COMM 4731, COMM 4732, and COMM 4780 can be taken to satisfy the track’s requirements. Two will satisfy the quantitative trading-based required courses; the other will satisfy the elective course.

Real Estate Track


Real Estate constitutes a large portion of the wealth, banking activity, and investment opportunities of the world’s varied economies. Characterized by localized, opaque, illiquid, highly cyclic, and relatively inefficient markets, commercial real estate investments tend to be ripe with both opportunity and risk. McIntire’s Real Estate Track is focused on providing a competitive edge to students that choose career or personal investment paths within this challenging environment. To this end, we have chosen understanding value as the RE Track’s theme given that valuation is central to real estate decision making. The value theme is framed within a broad model we refer to as commercial real estate’s three Ps–Principles, Perspectives, and Players–used to categorize and organize industry knowledge.

Within this strategic context, our program plays to key McIntire strengths–a talented, dedicated, team oriented student body operating within an honor code system and an equally dedicated group of outstanding real estate professionals–both friends and alumni–who mentor students, guest lecture, and share their experiences through an evolving collection of proprietary real estate investment case studies. Their involvement facilitates our dedication to active learning through historic and live cases plus presentations by “master” real estate investors, decision-makers and their equally outstanding organizations. This in turn enables us to test academic theory and empirical evidence regarding successful analytical principles applicable to real estate investment decision making within an organizational context.

Our program considers optimal real estate development and investment patterns with the context of sustainable urban environments and stewardship of our planet’s natural resources –both being key elements in the University of Virginia’s land use philosophy and commitment to future generations.


McIntire’s Real Estate track is open to all fourth-year Commerce students whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 12 credit hours consisting of three potential real estate classes and one approved elective or with Director approval two of the three real estate classes and two approved electives. We highly recommend that students take COMM 4790 - Fundamentals of Real Estate Analysis (3 credit hours) during the fall semester of their fourth year. This exposure to fundamentals of analysis provides a solid basis of basic theory and experience from which to build a solid analytical skill set related to the wide variety of commercial real estate alternatives across global commercial real estate opportunities. Many students find it difficult with their curriculum to enroll in both the fall and spring real estate offerings. We have made it possible to successfully complete the Real Estate Track by allowing the students to take two of the three fourth year Real Estate courses. If students are unable to take COMM 4790, we can assign a home study program over the semester break to assure their learning curve is on par with other Real Estate Track participants. We prefer that participants take the full offering of McIntire Real Estate course offered but other electives can be substituted for one of those required courses. Such electives may be chosen from the attached list of approved Commerce courses. Requests that deviate from taking the full array of real estate courses must be accompanied by a student’s formal written request and the Director’s subsequent approval.

Keep in mind that some students enter the RE Track with experience and may seek a more specialized course of real estate study relating to future professional objectives. Our flexibility with regard to course make-up provides flexibility in this regard as well. Our ultimate goal is to enhance the student’s ability to engage and excel in commercial real estate analysis and investment activities and, thus, we also encourage students seeking less than full exposure to the topic to seek out opportunities to take less that the full menu of courses. We are always ready to discuss appropriate avenues of study along these lines.

Core Curriculum (9 credits preferred, 6 credits minimum) 

Required Courses

Plus one of the following two courses:


Select 6 credits from the courses listed below:(3 credits preferred, 6 credits maximum)


Strategic Brand Consulting & Communication Track

Previously Advertising & Digital Media Track


Teaches students advanced topics in the area of brand strategy and consulting, market research, communications strategies in traditional, digital and social channels, and the art and science of building an integrated marketing campaign.



The Strategic Brand Consulting & Communication Track is open to all 4th year Commerce students who, 1) apply (in January of their 3rd year) and are accepted into the “Promotions” program (see below), and whose academic requirements allow them the flexibility to take the required 12 credit hours to complete the track.

Selection Criteria

All McIntire students accepted into “Promotions” are eligible to enroll in the Strategic Brand Consulting & Communication Track. The application process for the “Promotions” program occurs early in the spring semester of the third year and includes submission of written materials (a resume and completed application specifically designed for the track) and an interview. Criteria for acceptance into Promotions, and therefore eligibility to enroll in the track, include past academic performance, a demonstrated desire to work in advertising, digital media, brand strategy/management, or a related field past relevant work experience, and the ability to think in a strategic and creative manner that is required to be successful in the career paths in which this track will prepare students.


Required Courses (9 credits)

Admission into Comm 4372 and 4374 is not guaranteed and is based on a student’s performance in COMM 4371 and 4373 and on his/her group peer evaluations for the fall semester.

Electives (3 credits)

In addition to the nine (9) required credit hours listed above, students must complete 3 credits from the following courses:

Note: Admission to the track does not guarantee admission to any of the classes above. Instead, the list of electives is meant to provide a broad set of courses consistent with the objectives of the track.